Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 11 Report - The Hard Work is Done!

It's been an interesting ride for the past eleven weeks. I think that this is the most diligent that I have ever been in following a training program. I have made a concerted effort to do precisely what Hal Hidgon said I should be doing. And, I know that I have made tremendous strides toward my goal of running the Lewis & Clark 1/2 Marathon in under 2 hours.

Interestingly enough, my head wants to argue with me about that now. I keep having these thoughts like "What if that's not enough?", "Are you sure you were working this program right?", "Did you figure your pace correctly for those 400's you ran?", etc, etc. I'm glad that I have been meticulous about recording my data.

Actually, some people (Dahna) might say that I've been a bit obsessive about it. I don't see where she comes up with an idea like that. I have only maintained an MS Excel spreadsheet showing the time for each mile that I have run according to my watch. I have an activity file on Bones in Motion that comes from my phone - it records time versus the GPS data. I have a MapMyRun account that I've started using about midway through the training that tracks the miles as drawn on the Google Maps versus my time from my watch for comparison with the BiM data. Oh, and I have the data that I enter on the Nutrisystem page that tracks the calories expended. Hmmm.... Maybe she's right.

Anyway, all signs point to success. However, just like the UMass football team found out last night (and the Illini) it ain't over till the race is run. Things out of my control will play a role in my success (Hurricane Ike ring a bell, Jeni?) and so, we'll see.

What I do know is that I have learned how to run more efficiently, I have increased my pace a whole lot, I have developed a working plan for feeding myself during the run (GU Energy Gel every 35 minutes) and keeping myself hydrated (G2 in the hydration belt - sipping about every mile and a half or so). My shoes are in good shape. My feet and knees feel good. Even though my shoulder still annoys me I have practiced relaxing during the run and shaking that out so it shouldn't become a factor.

The weather has been outstanding for the past two weeks. The forecast for next Sunday is rain. Cool is better. This could be a bonus.

My runs this week have been very good. I did a predictable 10 x 400 session on Tuesday (average time was 1:47), then, ran a stellar 3 Mile Pace run in 25:24 on Wednesday. My splits on that run were faster than they have ever been with two miles timed at 8:20 or below! Thursday I had a meeting at school so I ran the 5 mile 'hills from heck', so I just completed that run. Then, rested Friday and on Saturday went for a 3 Mile Pace run trying to repeat Wednesday's time. Rats! Missed it by 15 seconds!

Sunday (9/6) was my 12 mile long run and I missed the turn around point so I actually logged 12.6 miles. Time for the run was 2:12. While it seems counter-intuitive to me that I should train for a 2 hour race at sub-race pace (I need 9:09 to get under 2 hours for the 1/2 marathon) it's what in the training regimen. The sub-race pace is supposed to be about 2 to 3 minutes slower than race pace and I completed my last two long runs about 1 and 1/2 minutes per mile faster than that. Added to the much improved splits on my Pace runs and the impressive times on the 400s I believe I have done exactly as coached.

I feel physically ready for this. I always get super psyched during a race so that will add the adrenalin boost that I need. I am mentally ready for this race and I think that I have covered every element that I need to have looked at.

Now, I just have to get past this week's training challenges in that I start teaching Late School on Tuesday and Wednesday this week so I'll have to figure out a way to get my mileage in without jeopardizing my rest pattern and my well being.

Knowing that my family will be supporting me will be a real shot in the arm - Allison running with me and Dahna, Trey, Jeni, David supporting me from the sidelines. Dahna's constant vigilance over the training table has been very helpful and she has done great things with my meals both for work and for home. I couldn't have been successful without her support and encouragement.

I think we'll try the "Track My Run" feature that Bones in Motion has available so that the cheering section can keep a eye on my progress as I run. I haven't used that before but the phone sends data to a website that allows people who know the magic password to view my progress live. That'll be a fun addition. So, here's to a good week and a great race next Sunday.

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