Sunday, August 30, 2009
Week 10 Report
This week I had a little difficulty getting to school for training in time on Tuesday so I had to change my training order but once I got that all sorted out the results were great. I had a 45 minute Tempo Run on Thursday and busted an 8:09 mile to finish that effort - by far my fastest continuous mile. Then, on Saturday, after a day of complete rest, I ran a toasty 44:47 five mile Pace Run for an 8:57 average! This exceeds my goal of 9:09 so I'm pleased with that trend.
Sunday, I got to rehearse the race using all of the props. I filled the bottles on my "fuel belt" with G2 (low calorie Gatorade) and tucked in some GU energy gel. It was an incredibly beautiful day with a 60 degree temperature reading at 10:00 a.m. I was relaxed and ready and averaged 10:30 over the course of the 11 mile run finishing with a time of 1:44:47. This time is within the expected range (actually a bit faster) that Hal wants you to run during the long training sessions. I had a GU every 30 or so minutes and drank G2 as needed. I felt good throughout the run and was able to pick up the pace at the end to finish mile 11 in 8:57.
After a day of rest on Monday, week 11 begins with a bang - 10 x 400 intervals but then the taper begins. Although Sunday's run will be a 12 miler, I won't have a challenging pace run the day before.
I'm starting to get excited about this race. It will be fun for lots of reasons - First, Allison will be running with me, second, I think I'm ready to meet the challenge I've set for myself, and third, I've already exceeded what I thought was possible for myself.
While I don't want to look beyond this race, I'm beginning to think about what might be possible in the future. Could I qualify to run Boston? Hmmmm.....
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hilly fun
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Conquering Demons
Today was to be the test. I was challenged and very concerned by my previous two attempts at completing my long run. Both times I had crashed, I felt horrible, dizzy, weak and was unable to run consistently throughout the training. The runs were only 10 miles so when the plan is to complete a 13.1 mile run in a personal best time, not being able to complete 10 miles becomes an issue.
I really felt that my first 'failure' was due exclusively to the high temperature, so for the second run I didn't make any changes except to carry my water with me on the run. This solution created at least one additional problem and, apparently, didn't address any of the issues I had faced previously. It was nice to have the water with me but by the end of mile five my shoulders were in revolt. I was apparently clutching the water bottle too tightly. Even when I became aware of that problem I couldn't find a way to really stop doing that without just dropping the water bottle. I muddled through but it turned out to be only a minor irritation compared to the other problems I was experiencing.
My speed over the course of the race dropped precipitously. I couldn't find comfort in rehydrating or even in refueling with the GU gel that I carried with me. I became concerned about even completing the mileage much less doing it with any panache. After the run I felt dizzy and disoriented. I didn't take time to stretch or cool down, I just went home not feeling well - physically or mentally.
After consultation with my PT, I determined that I needed to make some changes to my race prep.
Step 1.) Getting enough rest. I had changed my training pattern and had run three days in a row. This week I was back on track and rested on Friday.
Step 2.) Proper eating for endurance activity. I needed to increase the complex carbohydrates in my diet. I added whole wheat, whole grain pasta in place of some of the protein.
Step 3.) Replace lost electrolytes. I'm a heavy sweater and I usually lose about 3 or 4 pounds during a long run. I needed to increase the electrolytes in my race prep and during the race. I added Gatorade G2 which is low calorie so as not to totally blow the diet.
Step 4.) I needed a comfortable way to carry both the G2 and the GU gel so I bought a hydration belt that has a capacity of 40 ounces.
Today was the test. This, of course was not a scientific test because there were too many variables that were changed. There's no way to know which of these might have been directly contributing to my problems. But, with only four weeks to go before the race, I had to make some changes and see some rapid progress. I strapped on my fully loaded (with G2 and Chocolate Outrage GU gel) hydration belt. With my very successful 6 mile run yesterday, I was feeling very good about today. I had a double portion of pasta last night so I was carbo loaded. I ate my usual breakfast shake and as I drove to the trailhead I ate some Clif's Shot Blocks. I like the flavor of these but I don't think I want to hassle with them during a run - too messy.
Today the weather was incredible. As I began it was bright and sunny but only 65 degrees. Nice! I went out wanting to run 10 minute miles and I was able to run consistently, continually and comfortably throughout the run. Yahoo! With yesterday's great 6 mile run, I think I'm really getting myself ready for the race. Tomorrow I start Week 10 with a well deserved rest.
Just to prove that I'm keeping data and using that to inform my decisions, here is a side by side comparison of my two 10 mile races. Quite a difference between them.
8/16/2009 | 8/23/2009 | ||
1 | 10:59 | 1 | 10:27.37 |
2 | 11:37 | 2 | 10:22.34 |
3 | 11:06 | 3 | 10:39.94 |
4 | 15:35 | 4 | 11:07.86 |
5 | 12:04 | 5 | 11:06.14 |
6 | 15:06 | 6 | 10:45.99 |
7 | 15:39 | 7 | 10:33.60 |
8 | 15:27 | 8 | 10:43.48 |
9 | 16:59 | 9 | 10:06.00 |
10 | 15:52 | 10 | 08:58.33 |
Time | 2:22.00 | Time | 1:45.23 |
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Race Preparation Progress Report
Reality took a giant bite out of my derriere when I realized that gaining 50 pounds was not particularly helpful to the cause so I had to first lose that excess weight. Then, I had to recharge my running program essentially from scratch. My first running efforts were abysmal and I considered giving it up - "I must be too old for this."
As time passed and weight dropped my running times started to come back in line and I have been doing well. However, my long runs have been dismal the last couple of weeks. Twice I was totally wasted in the effort (9 miler and 10 miler). Even though I completed the mileage there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth involved in the effort and my times were not conducive to a solid belief that my 2 hour 1/2 marathon was going to become a reality.
So, I had to go back to the drawing board. After consultation with my personal trainer, I decided that I was eating too much protein to support endurance running and I made an adjustment to eating more complex carbs (added pasta to the diet). My runs this week have been excellent which seems to support that hypothesis.
Had some great times on my 9 x 400 track workout on Tuesday that included 1/4 mile times that added up to sub eight minute miles! (the track workout includes a 1/8 mile walk between each 1/4 mile run). So, today when I headed out to run my 6 mile pace run I was excited for the possibility of setting a PR. Great weather (65 degrees) added to that feeling of optimism.
I run out and back on a rails-to-trails conversion (Grant's Trail in south St. Louis County) that is paved asphalt and carefully marked every 1/2 mile so it's easy to keep track of my pace. It's also very nearly level but the incline is on the way out so the way back is basically a downhill run, however slight. I love this trail because it is 10 miles long so it's absolutely perfect for distance training up to and including a full marathon.
I amazed me (since the hundreds of others on the trail didn't seem too impressed) when I hit the 1 mile marker at 9 minutes flat - a fast time for me and below my desired pace of 9:10. I was encouraged by this and began to push myself to maintain this effort. I tend to use unsuspecting runners as my targets and today proved to be a great day for that with several runners ahead of me who pulled me along - even without their own awareness of their contribution to my effort.
Coming down the final mile, I was using my best visualization skills racing against a clock I could see hanging over the finish line that was calling me home. I was able to maintain a torrid pace over the course of the run with four of the six miles clocking in at under 9 minutes/mile (fastest single mile time this season of 8:24) and set a new PR in the six mile (not quite a 10K) run of 53:31.
I'm stoked!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Week Eight Report
I also made a change to my training plan. This change proved to be problematic. I had a rest day scheduled for Friday and I had left my tempo run till the end of the week because I like to use the track at school for this. Since I had to report for opening meetings at school on Friday I decided to put off the tempo run (and the extra 60 mile drive) to Friday and rest on Thursday. I didn't consider that I also had to complete a 5 mile pace run on Saturday and then cover 10 miles on Sunday.
My tempo run went well and I controlled my speed better this time to get faster with each passing mile over the course of 40 minutes. I also killed the 5 mile pace run on Saturday. I averaged 9:09 per mile with my fastest mile clocked at 8:42! I was feeling great about my progress.
Then came Sunday. I headed out around 8:00 a.m. Yeah, it was way late for a summer run - 81 degrees when I started. I carried my water and had my GU gel with me. As I began my run I encountered a young couple who were obviously doing the same thing I was (long run). They were half way through but they kept me moving for the first five miles. I did okay and was motivated to keep pace with these guys. However, I reached my 1/2 way point and turned around, bid them farewell and headed back toward the car. Before I reached 5.5 miles my iPod conked out. Dang, I was left to my thoughts and I was not successful at generating positive thoughts. I got progressively weaker and slower and took to walking much more than I wanted to. My shoulders (both my good shoulder and my bad shoulder) were screaming at me. "Relax!" I told myself. I was clutching my water bottle like it was made of spun gold and I could feel it in my shoulders.
I was dripping sweat, which I normally do, and rehydrating regularly but I continued the downhill spiral that was pretty much all encompassing - mental, physical, you name it. The time ticked away and that frustrated me. I tried to push it without success. By the time I finished my run (2 hours and 21 freaking minutes later) I was totally wasted.
Clearly I was unprepared for this run. The post mortem revolved around three major errors that I made. 1.) three hard workouts in three days. 2.) no significant preloading of either carbs or water and 3.) eating proteins instead of carbs (186.2 g of protein versus 224.5 g of carbs or 44% carbs, 37% protein, 19% fat). This is not serving me well so I will recreate my meal plan to meet my needs.
Week Nine will be much better. I rest when the schedule says rest, increase my quality carbs by reducing the fat to about 10% (that will add 170 carb calories that I will eat in the form of rice, beans, whole wheat pasta, bread or tortillas). On Saturday - in preparation for my 11 mile Sunday run, I will preload with a high carb meal as though I was actually preparing for the race. Makes sense to me. We'll see how it goes.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Training takes a Holiday
I just got home from St. Petersburg, Florida where I had the chance to visit with my daughter and son-in-law for a few days. Highlights of the trip include a visit to Busch Gardens for Allison's swan song (actually, no swans appeared in the show but lots of other critters did - follow this link for a video of a portion of her performance). Allison and I also went parasailing and kayaking. I got my training miles in as prescribed by Hal Higdon (9 miles on Sunday, even) notwithstanding the high heat and humidity which I wallowed in due to my sloth in getting on the road later in the day.
I previously mentioned my need to finish the Chicago Marathon with some panache following the 2007 debacle and while visiting a really classy restaurant in Tampa (Columbia Restaurant) Allison mentioned that the Gasparilla Marathon was going to be run for the last time in February. The restaurant is a co-sponsor of the event. That's how it made it's way into the conversation.
Well, I'm toying with this idea. When I overlay the training schedule with my real world commitments it requires lots of mileage through the extended holiday season. While the holidays aren't that critical in terms of partying for me it is a bit challenging to consider even with the limited travel that we do. The training regimen's long runs start week 1 with 8 miles so by the time Christmas rolls around you're into some serious Sunday runs. The really long runs will be taking place in January, however, which is actually not so bad since it's probably the time I need the discipline the most.
Also, the timing would be good from a coaching standpoint in that the race would be done just as the boy's volleyball coaching season begins. Then, I wouldn't have to concern myself with Chicago until school was done (or at least, right as it ends).
It seems doable and it's a neat idea from the standpoint of the LAST Gasparilla, a great excuse to get to Florida (I'm starting to love it down there), and another goal to keep my mind facing forward on this fitness and weight maintenance thing through the tough colder months - typically a challenge for me.
I have a couple of weeks to consider this, so I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Unfinished Business
Then I saw this.
I was totally moved by this movie and now I know I have something that I have yet to complete. I need to run through Chinatown and the other places we missed. I need to cross that finish line, to raise my arms in triumph. To get this thing done, once and for all.
Come January I'll be looking to sign up for Chicago 2010.

Week Six Report
Having recovered both physically and mentally from a dismal Sunday struggle over 8 miles, I completed the required 4 miles on Tuesday in an okay time. Wednesday I ran a tempo run on the track at school and managed to get faster as I ran. I'm still not quite sure I'm doing my tempo runs according to Hoyle but I am pushing the speed and that's the point. I ran 18 laps in the required 40 minutes which breaks down to some pretty good miles - 1 - 9 min 37 sec, 2 - 9 min 20 sec, 3 - 9 min 28 sec and 4 - 8 min 41 sec.
The last fast lap was in 2:03 (lap 17) followed by a cool down run which added some time to the overall effort but is part of what I think a tempo run is supposed to be about - build your pace through the first 3/4 of the run then back off a bit.
This week's training had some setbacks for sure. I had a horrible run to finish week five and then, on Wednesday, I injured my shoulder lifting weights. Fortunately, I had already completed my speed work for the week. Hal Higdon had a 10k scheduled for Sunday but there weren't any convenient ones in the area so that was out. So, a light week of training gave me some time to pull things back together.
I went to see my chiropractor about my shoulder. He did his usual pulling and popping of joints - mostly in my neck - and I seem to be improving. On Thursday I went ahead and ran a 3.1 mile circuit at JB Park. It was tough since I had to hold my left arm against my body the whole time. Still, I managed to complete the run in a reasonable time, considering the handicap. I took Friday completely off since it was strength day. This is the first real day off I've had for some time. I think it helped. On Saturday, another 3.1 mile run that I completed in excellent time led up to Sunday's run.
Since I was supposed to be running a 10k I decided to head over to Grant's Trail and push as hard as I could. I was interested in setting a standard time for a 10k since I didn't have one in the books yet. The trail is marked every half mile which is handy. But when you're running in kilometers it's also a bit of a challenge. As I headed out I was trying to decide how to best determine the extra distance beyond the 3 mile point in order to get the full 6.2 mile run in.
By mile 2 I decided that I'd count the steps between the 2.5 mile marker and the 3 mile marker. Then, I would divide that in half and when I had completed that many steps I'd turn around. The problem was that doing that resulted in my running 6.5 miles instead of 6.2 miles so my time won't be a valid representation of a 10k effort. At least it was more rather than less. I should have divided that in half again to get closer to the .2 miles I was trying to add on. Oh well, I'm a science teacher not a math teacher so no harm, no foul.
The other aspect that I was training on this run was the use of energy gels. I had two gel packets. One was a Chocolate flavored Cliff Shot. After eating Pure Protein bars over the last several weeks this was a shocker. Not really good in terms of flavor but I ate that on my way down the road to set out my water bottle.
I had a GU Berry Blast that I decided I would eat at the turn around point which should be around 30 minutes into the run. I took off and felt good notwithstanding an earlier bout with stomach issues that were unrelated to the Cliff Shot. I was able to push my time from the get go and got some good luck with the two intersections on the way out. My first mile was 9:28 and my second mile was 9:38. Mile three included a rather clumsy water stop - way too much time was wasted in the retrieving the water bottle, etc. resulting in a 10:23 mile. The fourth lap on my watch was the 1/2 mile addition and I completed that in 5:02 - not bad considering I slowed a bit to a.) turn around and 2.) eat my energy gel (fumble, fumble).
I hit the lap button when I got back to the three mile marker to start the second half of the run. Mile four ate up 10:55 in another less than graceful water stop plus a stop at the traffic signal. Once I'd crossed the road, it was clear sailing for the last two miles. I was feeling really good (placebo effect? or does this gel stuff really work?) and began to push the pace again. Mile five was done in 9:54 and now the race was on.
Since I had left Elton John, my normal pace man, at home along with my iPod, I conjured up some imaginary competitors and started to work my way toward the front of the pack. I have to admit I felt a bit guilty when I flew by so many guys coming down the home stretch but I kept pushing. I felt really good and when I hit the wooden bridge that was my signal to "rev up my roto-tail and win the race". I was able to quicken the pace just a bit and hit the tape in 8:48. Not bad considering it was the end of a six and a half mile run. My total time was 1:04 flat. It was a great way to end the week and this run (though shorter) was in stark contrast to the fiasco of the previous Sunday so I feel like I made some worthwhile discoveries about nutrition in combination with proper pre-race preparation.
Week seven will be a bit of a challenge. I'm not supposed to resume my weight training until after my appointment with the doc on Wednesday and then, on Friday, we're headed for Florida to visit my daughter and her husband. I don't want the vacation to interfere with the progress I've made to date but I'm sure that there will be adequate opportunities for running while I'm there.
I'll have to do a bit of research before I head out to see if I can lay out a 9 mile run. It so convenient to have a paved, delineated running trail about a mile from my house to accommodate my long runs during this training. It will be interesting to see what it's like to try and get a meaningful time on a long run without that.